Rhein-Main Congress-Center, kinetic sculpture with LED-technology, proposal for the new construction of the Rhein-Main Congress-Centers in Wiesbaden, Germany 


Sculpture Lightning Lane, Fuerteventura, Canary Islands


The Australian Project, The Measure of the Interim Balance, Kunstprojekt in Zusammenarbeit mit der Reederei Columbus Line, Sydney, Australien und der Universität Sydney, Australien

Proposal for a Holocaust Memorial in the City Hall of the State Capital, Wiesbaden, Germany
Flying Object Zuerich Airport, Switzerland
Mutants The dream of flying has ever moved mankind... here we enter the past of the future.
Foyer Design of Messeturm Frankfurt/Main, Crèdit Suisse, Germany

Prosposal Holocaust Memorial, AKK Wiesbaden, Germany
Holocaust Memorial Nordenstadt, Wiesbaden, Germany

Foyer Design, Procedo Company, Wiesbaden, Germany
Barrack of Lüttich, competition "Art in public“, draft for the new construction for the service building of the barrack of Lüttich in Cologne

The Desclaration of Independence (private sculpture) Proposal Foyer Design, Retirement Home Martin-Luther-Stift, Hanau, Germany

Design of the Municipal Conference Room, City Hall of the State Capital, Wiesbaden, Germany
Implantat, art project for the German Electron Synchrotron (DESY), Hamburg and Frankfurt/Main, Germany
Atemstern, open air sculpture, Kreditanstalt für Wiederaufbau, Frankfurt/Main, Germany
Field of Breath, The clod-like brass plates surrounding the air shaft in the inner courtyard of the building rise and fall in the manner of a large body breathing
Berg Werke, proposal for a redesign of landscape, commissioned by the City of Wiesbaden, Germany
The Hole, plans for a permanent exhibition on Kranzplatz (Kochbrunnen) in Wiesbaden, Germany,
Angle, Foyer Design, M.C.S. Company, Eltville/Rhein, Germany
Waymark, The blade of an iron wedge, 7.5 m in height with a triangular base, points towards the portal at an angle of 45 degrees.

A.T E.M Outdoor area design, training center of Bundeanstalt für Flugsicherung, Langen, Germany
Design Prehistoric Museum Dotternhausen, Germany
Tower, the tower holding a sphere surrounded by metal struts symbolizes the evolution of Man's view of the world.
Relikt II, nteractive object, studio version and proposal for Börnerplatz in Frankfurt am Main, Germany
Foyer Design der Louise-Schröder-Schule, Wiesbaden, Germany
Communication Tower interactive sculpture realized for the Telecommunications Building, Konrad-Adenauer-Ring,Wiesbaden, Germany
Bozetti, Solar Foc 180 – Sun Writer. Aura Crystal Instrument. Relic I. Energy Donor. Sun Dial